【同义词辨析】 2018-12-04 快速fast-expeditious

fast: applies particularly to a moving object: a ~ horse.

rapid: emphasizes the movement itself: a ~ current.

swift: suggest great rapidity coupled with ease of movement: returned the ball with one ~ stroke.   歌词有句hope is like a summer bird, too swiftly flown away希望就象夏天的小鸟,转眼飞走不见)

fleet: adds the implication of lightness and nimbleness: ~ runners.   nimble轻快轻松implies light and swift action,如a nimble tennisplayer一个轻快的网球手)

quick: suggests promptness and the takingof little time: a ~ wit.   prompt立即无延迟immediately, without delay, 如he would have died but for the prompt action of two ambulance men要不是两名救护人员立即行动,他可能早就死了)

speedy: implies quickness of successful accomplishment and may also suggest unusual velocity: a ~ recovery.   velocity速度: 物理中的速度,如匀加速公式v(t)=v(0)+at)

hasty: suggests hurry and precipitousness and often connotes carelessness and resultant confusion and inefficiency: a ~ inspection.   hurry因着急而快速做事to do with haste,如hurry up and finish your meal赶快吃饭)  precipitous草率,指缺乏思考,如precipitous intervention贸然介入)

expeditious: suggests efficiency together with rapidity of accomplishment: an ~ processing of a merchandise order.

fast快速: 特指运动的物体,rapid快速: 强调运动本身快,swift快速: 表示快速并且不费劲,fleet轻快: 表示轻快轻松(nimble: swift见上注),quick快速: 表示立即时间短,speedy快速: 指快速成功完成,或运动速度少见得,hasty仓促: 表示做事着急仓促,造成混乱低效,expeditious高效快速: 表示效率速度

记忆方法: 1)首字母frsfqshe重组成FRESH新QFS起飞时<==快速

         2)快速的意思是移动前进动作mean moving, proceeding, or acting quickly.   可见本组第5个词quick是基础词